Here’s How to Reduce Your PMS and Cramps | Peppypost

Easy and practical ways to reduce PMS and cramps to get relief for those five days: - 

Premenstrual syndrome is a bane for any young woman’s life. The moment you hit puberty these painful monthly cycles of periods is not only irritating but downright tiresome. PMS, as it is more commonly known across the medical world, has more debilitating effects on women’s health then usually known. The hormonal balance goes for a complete toss resulting in mood swings, irritability, and anger bouts which starts effecting the immediate environments of the lady as well as family and office peer relations. Here are some tips which would help you and your women to combat the menacing pain.

AvoidExcess polyunsaturated omega -6 fats

During periods nutrition and our diet plays and crucial role in controlling the symptoms of PMS. The female body needs to have a balanced diet with Omega 3 and 6fats. These fats are crucial as our body uses them to cell repair and regeneration due to the excess blood loss. But keep in mind that Omega 5 is a man-made fat which should be taken in a controlled manner as they are harmful in long run.
We must consciously avid poly-saturated fats as they are unstable and easily oxidized in blood causing further inflammation, cell mutation and pain. The bottom line is we need mono-saturated and saturated fats for good results. Instead of consuming vegetable oil, soya bean oil, margarine, canola oil, peanut oil which has been chemically treated, you should rather take coconut oil, real butter, olive oil and lard which is healthy animal fat. Add a lot of fish and coconut oil in your diet as they have anti-inflammatory qualities.

Avoid chemicals found in chemicals and house

We all know, this mantra is it’s harder to implement in real life as the toxic chemicals have invaded our daily life in every conceivable way but we must still try to reduce their effect in our daily lives and health. The scary part is these toxic poisons are everywhere even in the birth control pills which can easily disrupt the fragile hormonal balance.
The tip here is a cook in glassware and non-coated metals while preparing meals. Stay away from Teflon, plastic storage containers. Use organic food as much as possible and reduce chemical-based cleaning agents for the house and especially in the kitchen and dining area.

Avoid foods that cause inflammation

Unbeknownst to many users, several types of grains, dairy, and even vegetable oil can cause severe inflammatory effects in our bodies. These affect the hormonal balance which is the last thing which we want. At least for the period of menstruation follow a dairy and grain-free diet and trust me it’s not that horrible as it sounds! Try homemade yummy soups, broths, grass-fed fresh meat, in short everything organic and healthy.


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