10 Common Skin Care Mistakes That Could Be Damaging Your Face

10 skincare mistakes that are common among women who you need to be careful about and here’s why.

You will find articles about skincare tips in almost every magazine you open. But, most of the same are basically the same tips that have been repeated over and over again. One reason is that most readers fail to follow the simple advice that is offered to them. So, instead of wasting money on expensive cosmetics which promise to work wonders on your skin, start from the basics first. Here are some common skincare mistakes that could be damaging your face instead of improving it:

1. Changing your cosmetics too often

Magazines will always show you endless varieties and promotions of cosmetics. But, you may already have several items at home which work just fine for you. You may feel think that your skin has adjusted to the old cosmetics and that’s why you need to get new different ones. Changing cosmetics won’t have any positive effects on your skin. It is rather futile because your skin does not adjust to skincare products. In fact, you can get an allergic reaction from a newly bought cream.

2. Using a facial scrub daily

Scrubs and rough brushes are not exactly the best solution to cleansing your facial skin because using it on a daily basis can destroy your skin’s protective layer. Instead, light chemical peelings can do the same things without damaging your skin. You don’t need to get expensive procedures at beauty salons because there are many items for home use available in the market these days. These items can softly and painlessly remove all dead skin cells. Almond peeling can easily be done at home even in the summer season and there won’t be any risk of skin pigmentation.

3. You refuse to use makeup removers

Among skincare mistakes, washing off your makeup with simply water or just one cleanser, you won’t be able to remove all the dust and dirt accumulated on your skin. You risk leaving cosmetic particles on your face which can clog your skin pores leading to acne and an increase in the oil content in your skin.
It would be much better to use a makeup remover such as micellar water, or cleansing oil or balm. Unlike the varieties of cosmetic products invented to empty your wallet, these are the few which are not useless and are necessary products that will actually do good for your skin.


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